Muscle Activation Technique® (MAT)
Muscle Activation Technique (MAT): Restoring Neuromuscular Function
MAT aims to restore the optimal contractility of muscles by reestablishing the communication between the nervous system and the muscular system.
Over time, factors like stress, trauma, overuse, and inflammation can impair the efficiency of the muscular system and neuromuscular function. This deterioration in communication between the nervous system and muscles can result in:
Altered biomechanics
Muscle tightness
Aches and pains associated with aging
Both acute injuries and cumulative microtraumas can disrupt nerve-muscle communication, leading to:
Reduced muscle contractile ability
Progressive muscle weakness
Stronger compensation patterns over correct biomechanics
The MAT Approach
Muscle Activation Technique (MAT) aims to restore the optimal contractility of muscles by reestablishing the communication between the nervous system and the muscular system. Limitations in Range of Motion (ROM) are indicators of lost muscle contractile capacity.
The MAT process:
ROM Assessment: Conduct muscle-specific ROM assessments to identify areas of tightness and pinpoint specific joints and muscles needing attention.
Muscle Testing: Perform muscle tests to identify weak muscle fibers.
Treatment Modalities:
a. Palpation: Carefully palpate muscle origins, insertions, and fascial lines to activate sensory receptors, enhancing peripheral input to the Central Nervous System (CNS).
b. Isometrics: Use position-specific isometrics (often as homework) to improve motor output from the CNS to the muscles.
Muscle Retesting: Retest to ensure enhanced motor recruitment.
As the CNS re-establishes communication with the muscles, there is an immediate improvement in muscle stability and strength, leading to enhanced ROM. This results in greater body stability and improved mobility.
Initial Assessment, consultation and treatment: 1.5 hours $200
MAT Single sessions 50 minutes: $175
Ten MAT Sessions: $1650